Daily Archives: 25/03/2009

Astronomers tracked asteroid impact

via Astronomers track asteroid’s collision with Earth.

On October the 7th last year a small 4 meter asteroid entered the atmosphere and exploded above Sudan. Pilots reported flashes on the horizon and many pieces of debris were found scattered about the place. So far so par for the course with these things, however 19 hours earlier, the asteroid had been detected by astronomers. The trajectory of the asteroid was tracked and as much information as possible was gathered on this traveller as it made its final journey here. Here’s some video footage of the asteroid on its travels here, a few hours before impact.

And just to sober you up, just a reminder of the Earth sized fireballs that erupted in Jupiter’s atmosphere when a comet slammed into that in 1994.

The asteroid left wind blown trails in the sky:

Asteroid trails

Asteroid trails

And ended up scattered about the place:

Asteroid remains

Asteroid remains

Where-upon it was picked up and analysed by SETI.